As it stands now, we have three filming days. Resulting from hours and hours of phone calls and text messages. The three days will serve as dailies and reshoots for all intents and purposes. It came out this way because of the varying personal schedules of the two additions I made to my team. Justin is a part-time worker and can only film on Friday, which is day two. I enlisted the help of both my partner and my sisters, mine babysits and won't be available until next week Tuesday, and my sister's partner luckily is available tomorrow, which is Wednesday, and marks day three and day two respectably. And it that seems confusing, it is. While filming is now wrangled, this scheduling creates its own unique issue. Now if I were to want to mix and match footage, I couldn't. Each participant of course has a different height. My sister is the only constant and is the focus of the film, my partner is shorter than her, hers taller, and Justin is assumed taller but we have no way of determining that until filming day since they have never been in the same room with one another. It isn't a big issue. It might even add an unexpected element to the film that this mysterious s figure changes shape and size throughout until its revel. Though said and done, with filming on different days, we run into the fact that the scenes outdoors will be completely unsalvageable, being that weather and light are unpredictable and uncontrollable. I'd have to pick the best singular figure for those scenes.
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