Saturday, December 26, 2020

Filming Outdoors

     Filming outdoors was difficult.  A lot of scenes had to be reshot because of unconsolable noises. Too many cars would drive by at one. Or someone would pass by on their phone. And while background noise isn't unwelcomed, the volume of said noise is. I would prefer them to be distanced and blended in to create scenery. Rather drown out the focus of my film.

     We filmed at and on the way to a nearby park. Not many people we out that day. There was a man and his two kids playing on the swing set and monkey bars. And a woman on the opposite end with a baby, next to two teens on the basketball court. We kept our distance from them and filmed. They provided some nice background noise too. It wasn't too noisy and it was much better than having an empty park to work with. It was getting to the park that was the issue. When filming the running scenes, I don't believe anyone would believe the number of cars that passed by. And it wasn't only normal cars either. A garage truck impeded filming for quite a while with its obnoxious beeping. And it was followed by a foliage collection truck, it was quicker overall in passing, but decided to stop in the middle of the road we were filming on. Being subjected to all that was exhausting. Not only that, we ran into the issue of my sister being unable to run long distances due to an ankle injury she received from soccer. She informed me of these moments before filming the necessary scenes, we managed to wrap her ankle with a brace and shorten run time at the expense of actual sweat for realism. 

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