Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Socials Went Live

     As of now, all social media accounts for the film have been activated. That includes Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, and my personal favorite Twitter. Making the accounts wasn't very hard. It was fairly easy actually. As a member of Gen Z, I'm already well versed in technology. And I had already made personal accounts for each website/app so I was that much more familiar. Not to say making a social account would have been hard otherwise though. The way I did it, was that I simply connected everything, like a tree with branches. In hindsight, I could have gone a step further and made an official email for the film but I decided to use my professional student one. Going from there I opened accounts with the email and there all linked.

    As for branding, and marketing, I'm currently at a loss. Naturally, I don't have anything to post as of yet. I plan on filling the feed with behind the scenes, maybe actor P.O.Vs, and bloopers from filming. But I still have to think about the feel for the movie. I want to base my social media presence off of the show Riverdale, and how each member of the cast had turns posting their own takes on what was happening episode to episode. You got the learn more about the characters they played along with the actual personalities of the actors and I liked that. The only downside is, it might be too lighthearted of a branding idea for a thriller film. Or, maybe the juxtaposition would help hypothetical fans warm up to the film and look forward to it more.

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