Monday, October 7, 2019


    Hello, my name is Jaheim and I am a student of Fort Lauderdale High School. I am currently in the eleventh grade, taking the AICE Media Studies course. So far, I thoroughly enjoy the course. The act of studying the films and shows we watch without thought everyday is quite enticing to me. In all honestly, I consume my fair share of media. My favorite genre, and the best in my option, is horror. I like the especially gory films, but I'll settle for just the broad feeling of suspense and uneasiness. My current favorite film to watch is The Human Centipede. I find it highly entertaining to watch it with friends; their reactions are always the best part.
    Moving on from my questionable tastes, I also enjoy art. Along with taking the AICE Media course, I also take art classes to better myself. I find the work calming at times, and it helps me to express myself. I like drawing "still life"s and replicas, my strongest of the two are my realistic drawings. I like drawing my friends and handing them my works as gifts to brighten their day. While I started my journey in copying, I would say making real-world "copies" took up more of my plate over time, and it made me a better artist. In terms of skill though, I haven't truly achieved anything. I lack in style and I haven't found myself within the art community.
    Speaking of, I haven't found myself at all. I am still an impressional child, lost in the "big bad" world. I like going through the motions, but I know that someday, somehow I won't be as stable as I want to be, and that kinda scares me. I honestly feel life that should be the set up to a horror film tiled Growing Up.Being a child one minute and a adult the next is the scariest thing in the world and I would pay to see that movie. I honestly don't know weather it would be good or not but, the concept alone is dreadful. If horror films are meant to insight fear in the audience, what would be better than making a film about something that everyone goes through. We may not all cripple at the thought of growing up, but it has to be something that we've all thought and worried about, and I wanna make a film about that. I want to give the world answers to questions that we've either all ignored until asked or asked, and asked with no answer.

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