Thursday, February 6, 2020

Planning Blog: Shooting Script

This is our shooting script. In this power-point, we map out the general angles and movements that will be seen in the final product. To have an idea when we start filming, we brock up each scene into each moment where the environment would change, or basically where we would have to repossession the camera. With the shooting script, we don't have as much planning to do on the spot or any at all on the day we film. With planning though we ran into one major issue. Our vision relies on the subtlety and nuance of emotion. It was difficult for us to plan out a charter's actions, due to the microscopic nature of it. We didn't want to leave it up to chance so we tried to describe any possible movement as best as possible. Grander areas like camera angles and edits were easier due to the genre research done beforehand. We based the scenes off of common conventions in the romantic genre

(these are two of the same power-point, both with the same information, simply with varying details)

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